When Was Refresh 22 Released?
GSA Solicitation Refresh 22 was issued late on Thursday, August 8, 2024.
What Changed with Solicitation Refresh 22?
The most notable change in Refresh 22 is the long anticipated, partial expansion of Transactional Data Reporting (TDR). The latest refresh also includes the usual administrative cleanup, as well as the incorporation of clause and provision updates, as needed, through Federal Acquisition Circular (FAC) 2024-05 and GSAR Change 182.
Overview of Refresh 22 Changes
- Offer Instructions Update
- Additional TDR SINs
- Price Proposal Template (PPT)
- Updated Modification Guide
- SIN Specific Changes
- Contract Clause Updates
Offer Instruction Updates
TDR Clarification Note
GSA is adding a note to the Instructions document (SCP-FSS-001, Instructions Applicable to All Offerors) to clarify that Transactional Data Reporting (TDR) is available to offerors pursuing at least one TDR-eligible Special Item Number (SIN).
Government Purchase Card (GPC)
GSA MAS contractors are required to accept payment via Government Purchase Cards. Refresh 22 adds language within the Instructions document stating that governmentwide commercial purchase cards may be used as payment for all orders, regardless of the dollar amount.
The added language also includes clarification that contractors cannot charge a fee for purchase card payments at the order level. Please note, contractors may factor credit card fees into their pricing during the negotiation of their GSA rates. However, once rates are set, no additional charges can be tacked on for credit card payments.
Additional TDR SINs
If you are familiar with GSA’s Transactional Data Reporting pilot, you may know it is not available to all GSA MAS Special Item Numbers. However, as of Refresh 22, the TDR-eligible SIN list has grown with the addition of 67 SINs. Learn more about what TDR is here, see which SINs were recently added here, and review the full list of TDR-eligible SINs here.
Price Proposal Template (PPT)
We have come to expect Price Proposal Template changes with each Refresh, and Refresh 22 is no exception.
- Offer Products PPT – The following note below has been added to the Products PPT: “For highly configurable products with a large number of options (i.e., 2,500+) and/or option categories (i.e., 50+), it is recommended to publish the most popular configurations in the Products File for publishing to GSA Advantage!, and maintain the pricing for other product options in the Products Price Proposal Template and publish those items to the text file. Base items or Accessories included in the PRODUCTS tab are prohibited from being duplicated and published to the text file posted on GSA eLibrary.”
- Offer Services and Training PPT – Under the “Services Pricing tab, a formula in column U now auto populates to column D of the Fixed Escalation for Services tab.
- Modification Products PPT – Now has the note regarding highly configurable products, a revised note for EPAs against Options, and a “New Price” column in the options tab.
- Modification Services and Training PPT – A formula in column V, now auto populates to Column D within the “Services Pricing (A)” and “Services Pricing (B)” tabs.
Updated Modification Guide
Refresh 22 includes the release of an updated MAS Modification Guide, which now includes:
- Added instructions throughout specific to Joint Ventures (JVs)
- Added notes and instructions throughout for FAS Catalog Platform (FCP)
- Added link to Pricing Terms document for the Add SIN instructions
SIN Specific Changes
Refresh 22 includes several changes that serve to clean up SIN specific instructions. Most of the changes highlighted below involve the removal of instructions that are either no longer applicable or are schedule-wide requirements that are redundant within the SIN specific instructions.
- Facilities SIN 541690E, Energy Services, no longer includes “Four-phase Comprehensive Energy Management Solution” within the SIN Instructions
- Industrial SIN 332510C, Hardware Catalog, and SIN 332510S, Hardware Store Front, no longer include the “Point of Sale” requirements in the SIN instructions.
- Industrial SIN 332510S, Hardware Store Front, no longer includes the “Point of Sale” or “sustainable acquisition purchasing” requirements in the SIN instructions.
- Industrial SIN 325320, Pest and Animal Control Products and Services, no longer includes language regarding the Service Contract Act, the Davis Bacon Act, or EPA recycled content and USDA biobased program requirements.
- The following SINS now include “Page Location” and “Country of Origin” columns within the SIN template.
- Transportation SIN 492110, Package Delivery and Freight Trucking
- Transportation SIN 492210SB, Local Courier Delivery Service
- Transportation SIN 485, Ground Transportation
- Transportation SIN 532111, Automotive equipment rental and leasing, Rental Supplemental Vehicle Program (RSVP)
- Travel SIN 531, Employee Relocation Solutions
- Travel SIN 531110, Long Term Lodging
Contract Clause Updates
- 552.238-80 Industrial Funding Fee and Sales Reporting (Jul 2020) Alternate I (May 2024) (Deviation) – The only change to this clause is the addition of the word “Deviation” to the title
- 52.219-18 Notification of Competition Limited to Eligible 8(a) Participants (Jan 2017) (Deviated II – May 2024) – This clause was replaced with 552.219-18 Notification of Competition Limited to Eligible 8(a) Participants (May 2024) (Deviation FAR 52.219-18) per GSAR Change 182
- 52.226-7 Drug-Free Workplace (May 2024) – This clause was deleted as IBR from 52.252-2 (52.226-7 is not applicable to commercial products)
Is Your GSA Contract Up to Date?
Our team here at FEDSched has been helping companies manage their GSA MAS Contracts and navigate changes at GSA since 1986. Contact us today to discuss your GSA MAS Contract needs!