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14 Essential Websites for GSA Contractors

As a current or prospective GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Contractor, you may have a great deal of questions.

Knowing where to go to conduct research, find opportunities, submit your proposal, update your contract, or report sales is important. It not only saves you time, but can help you be more successful as a government contractor.

However, navigating the multitude of websites can be a daunting task. To make easier, we’ve put together a “cheat-sheet” of essential resources.

Website Resources for GSA Schedule Contractors

Click on any of the fourteen websites listed below to jump to a website breakdown that includes a direct link to the site, a screenshot, and what the site is used for. Get acquainted with the list below to make the most of your investment and to save time knowing where to go when a need arises.

1. Acquisition.gov | Information Hub & Opportunities

2. Electronic Subcontracting Reporting System (eSRS) | Reporting

3. FAS Sales Reporting | Reporting

4. FAS Schedule Sales Query Plus (SSQ+) | Market Research

5. GSA | Information Hub

6. GSA Advantage | Sales & Market Research

7. GSA eBuy | Opportunities

8. GSA eLibrary | Sales & Market Research

9. GSA eOffer/eMod | Contract Acquisition & Management

10. GSA Interact | Information Hub

11. Mass Mod System | Contract Management

12. System for Award Management (SAM) | Registration, Opportunities, & Market Research

13. USASpending.gov | Market Research

14. Vendor Support Center | Contract Acquisition & Management


Acquisition.gov may be known mostly for housing the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), along with other federal regulations such as the General Services Acquisition Manual (GSAM). However, the website also includes links to procurement forecasts, business opportunities, and small business pages for each federal agency. While some agencies will post a link to SAM.gov or an excel sheet with upcoming opportunities, other agencies like DHS and GSA maintain a searchable dashboard of upcoming opportunities.

On the Acquisition.gov website you can:

  • Lookup FAR clauses and other federal regulations
  • View COVID-19 related guidance and memorandums
  • Review information on Section 889, Prohibition on Certain Telecom Services and Equipment
  • Access procurement forecasts for federal agencies

Electronic Subcontracting Reporting System (eSRS)

If you hold a GSA Schedule Contract and are classified as an “other than small business” you’re required to establish a subcontracting plan and submit regular subcontracting reports. The Electronic Subcontracting Reporting Systems (eSRS) website is where GSA Contractors, and other federal contractors required to establish subcontracting plans, go to submit subcontracting reports.

On the eSRS website you can:

  • Submit Individual Subcontract Reports and Summary Subcontract Reports

FAS Sales Reporting

On GSA’s Federal Acquisition Service (FAS) Sales Reporting Portal (SRP) website, companies that hold a GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) or other non-MAS GSA Contract, including GSA Government-Wide Acquisition Contracts (GWACS), report sales. Note: if you hold a VA Schedule Contract, you report sales through the VA Sales Reporting System here.

On the FAS SRP website you can:

  • Report sales for your GSA Contract
  • Report transactional data if participating in Transactional Data Reporting (TDR)
  • Remit your Industrial Funding Fee (IFF)

FAS Schedule Sales Query Plus

On the FAS Schedule Sales Query Plus website you can pull reports on GSA Multiple Award Schedule Contract sales. The database represents sales reported by contractors and is currently the only source that breaks down GSA Schedule sales to the Special Item Number (SIN) level. The website is not incredibly intuitive to use and may require light training to navigate. Note: VA Schedule Sales Reports are published as excel files here.

On GSA’s SSQ+ website you can build reports to review:

  • Sales by Company
  • Sales by Special Item Number
  • Sales by Business Size
  • Sales by Vendor Location

GSA Advantage!

GSA Advantage is an online shopping platform for government buyers looking to purchase products and services sold through GSA/VA Schedule Contracts, GSA’s Global Supply Program, and GSA’s Special Order Program. Note: GSA Advantage includes products awarded under the VA Schedule Contract. However, VA Schedule Contract holders will also have their products added to the VA’s National Acquisition Center (NAC) Contract Catalog Search Tool (CCST).

On the GSA Advantage website you can:

  • Search for specific products and services sold through GSA/VA Schedules
  • Conduct competitor pricing research
  • Research which GA Schedule Special Item Number(s) specific products are placed under

GSA eBuy

GSA eBuy is an online Request for Quotation (RFQ) system exclusively available to companies that hold a GSA/VA Schedule Contract, GSA Technology Contract, GSA Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA), or GSA Federal Strategic Sourcing Initiative (FSSI) Contract. Government buyers can post RFQs on eBuy according to the GSA Category or Subcategory that corresponds with the requested products/services. All contractors that hold the Category or Subcategory the RFQ is posted under will have access to the RFQ.

On GSA’s eBuy website you can:

  • View RFQs for your category of products/services
  • Submit Quotes in response to RFQs
  • Watch RFQ’s and set your preferences for email notifications

GSA eLibrary

GSA’s eLibrary website is a resource for government buyers looking for contract award information, as well as companies looking to research the GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Contract, GSA Technology Contracts, or VA Schedule Contracts.

On the GSA eLibrary website you can:

  • Search and review the general categories of products/services that can be sold under the GSA MAS, GSA Technology Contracts, and VA Schedules
  • Search for companies/competitors that hold a GSA or VA Schedule Contract
  • Review GSA/VA Schedule Contract award information
  • Provide potential buyers with contact information for your GSA/VA Schedule Contract


GSA’s eOffer/eMod website is where companies go to obtain or modify a GSA Multiple Award Schedule Contract. If your company is looking to obtain a GSA MAS Contract you will upload your proposal through the eOffer system. You can also make changes to your GSA Contract by submitting modifications through the eMod section of the website. A modification is needed to update your pricing, add or remove products or services, add Special Item Numbers (SINs), and update points of contact. Note: VA Schedule Contract proposal and modification submissions are not submitted through eOffer/eMod and are instead handled via email.

On GSA’s eOffer/eMod website you can:

  • Submit your proposal to obtain a GSA MAS Contract
  • Submit modifications to update your GSA MAS Contract
  • Electronically sign documents

GSA Interact

GSA Interact is a collaborative platform created to help GSA communicate with industry and government. If there is a new initiative at GSA, you will typically hear about it first on Interact. Join and/or subscribe to groups like the Multiple Award Schedule group to get advanced notice of Solicitation refreshes, new Special Item Numbers (SINs), and Requests for Information (RFIs). To stay up to date on the latest SAM.gov changes, join the Integrated Award Environment (IAE) Industry Community group.  Join specific category groups like the Professional Services Category or IT Security Community to follow industry specific upddates.

On the GSA Interact website you can:

  • View the latest announcements for various groups
  • Join groups to see updates on your dashboard (registration required)
  • Subscribe to groups to receive email updates

GSA Mass Mod System

The mass modification website is where GSA Schedule Contract holders go to review and accept contract changes issued by GSA. When you want to make a change to your GSA Schedule Contract, you submit a modification through eMod. When GSA wants to make a universal change to all GSA Schedule Contracts or a group of GSA Schedule Contracts, they issue a mass modification. Note: VA Schedule Contractors will receive notice of mass modifications from the VA via email.

On the Mass Mod website you can:

  • Review and accept mass modifications issued by GSA


The System for Award Management or SAM is a central platform for people – in government and industry – who make, receive, or manage federal contract awards. For government contractors, SAM.gov is not only a starting point, but also serves as a source of opportunities throughout your time as a government contractor.

On the System for Award Management website you can:

  • Register to do business with the federal government
  • Update your registration
  • Search for federal contract opportunities (See our search tips here)
  • Download the GSA MAS Solicitation to obtain a GSA Contract


USASpending.gov is a user-friendly resource for conducting market research. The website is intuitive to use and provides visual snapshots of and summaries of contract award data. View tips for searching USASpending.gov, along with a short video demo here.

On the USASpending.gov website you can:

  • Search federal contract awards by:
    • Agency
    • Company Awarded
    • Keyword
    • NAICS Code or Product Service Code (PSC)
  • Review federal agency profiles

Vendor Support Center

GSA’s Vendor Support Center is intended to serve as a resource for prospective and existing GSA Schedule Contractors. Stay tuned for a completely redesigned Vendor Support Center website over the next few months.

On the Vendor Support Center website you can:

  • Take a Readiness Assessment before pursuing a GSA Contract
  • Find information and links on managing your GSA Contract, including reporting requirements
  • Review information on GSA’s MAS Consolidation Project

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