Cloud, Cybersecurity, & Health IT on the Horizon
What do Cloud Computing, Cybersecurity, and Health IT have in common? They are three markets that have experienced growth worthy of spurring changes to the $14 billion dollar GSA IT Schedule 70 Contract.
Like all GSA Schedules, Schedule 70 is broken down into Special Item Numbers (SINs), which serve to further categorize offerings under the GSA Schedules Program. GSA has determined the demand for Cloud Computing, Cybersecurity, and Health IT warrants the creation of new SINs within Schedule 70 dedicated to the these markets.
How will these new, dedicated SINs affect industry? Companies that pursue the new SINs could benefit from:
- Increased visibility – customer agencies will have a clear path to companies that offer Cloud Computing, Cybersecurity, or Health IT solutions.
- Greater market insight – contractors are required to report sales by SIN; dedicated SINs translate to more in-depth reporting and the ability to distinguish Cloud Computing, Cybersecurity, and Health IT sales from other offerings.
- Expanded market – by creating dedicated SINs, GSA is looking to position Schedule 70 as the go-to source for the federal government’s Cloud Computing, Cybersecurity, and Health IT needs. The end goal is to increase usage of the GSA Schedule 70 Contract and reduce usage of individual agency contracts.
As of today, the Cloud Computing SIN is the only one that has officially launched. Cybersecurity and Health IT SINs are still in progress. Below is a high-level look at some of the details behind the new SINs for each market.
Cloud Computing
In July of 2014, GSA issued an RFI regarding the addition of a Cloud SIN to Schedule 70, and by April of 2015 the new SIN was introduced. Special Item Number (SIN) SIN 132-40, Cloud Computing Services, is dedicated to commercially available cloud computing services, including:
- Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
- Platform as a Service (PaaS)
- Software as a Service (SaaS)
- Emerging Cloud Services
To date, only seven companies offer solutions under the new SIN. Agencies may still find cloud computing services under the Software SINs 132-32/132-33 and Subscription Services SIN 132-52.
GSA released an RFI on August 12, 2015 regarding the addition of a Cybersecurity/Information Assurance (CyberIA) SIN. If GSA decides to move forward, the proposed SIN would rely on the National Institute for Standards and Technology’s (NIST) definition of CyberIA and would include hardware, software, and services associated with:
- Information Assurance
- Virus Detection
- Intrusion Detection and Prevention
- Network Management
- Situational Awareness and Incident Response
- Secure Web Hosting
- Backup and Security Services
- Communications Security
There has not been any new information on the CyberIA SIN since GSA’s Virtual Industry Meeting on October 14, 2015. Federal Times reported GSA could decide on whether to move forward with the SIN by April of this year, and if they do move forward, it could be six months to a year from the decision before the new SIN is officially launched.
Health IT
After reviewing feedback from an RFI issued in June of 2015, GSA announced plans to move forward with the addition of a Health IT SIN to Schedule 70. Responses to a second RFI, which requested feedback on SIN details and requirements, were due Monday, February 8th. GSA anticipates publishing a draft solicitation on Interact April 22, 2016 and issuing the final solicitation refresh the end of May.
GSA Schedule 70 Health IT SIN Update: GSA is experiencing a 2-3 week delay, so the Health IT SIN draft solicitation will be posted on GSA Interact between the beginning and middle of May 2016.
For more information on the upcoming Schedule 70 Health IT SIN, see our Q&A with Black Branch Consulting.