Get a GSA Schedule
An Overview of GSA Schedule Contracts
The GSA Schedule is a $45 billion government contract. Businesses, non-profit organizations, and educational institutions can obtain a GSA Schedule Contract to sell products and services to government customers. GSA Schedule Contracts streamline the government sales process because they have pre-established pricing, terms, and conditions that government buyers can use to purchase from a company. While GSA Schedule Contracts are primarily used to sell to federal agencies, in certain circumstances they can also be used to sell to state and local government.
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The technical definition of a GSA Schedule Contract is a governmentwide, indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity (ID/IQ) Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) contract. What does that mean in non-technical terms?
- Governmentwide – Can be used across agencies. GSA Schedule Contracts can be used by any federal agency from DOD and DHS, to FEMA and the Department of Energy.
- Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity – Open ended, No set amount. While the term of the contract is fixed, the deliverables are not. During the term of a GSA Schedule Contract, any federal customer can order an unlimited amount of products or services.
- Multiple Award Schedule – More than one company can receive the contract. A company can apply to obtain a GSA Schedule Contract at any time and there is no cap on the number of companies that can be awarded a contract.
A GSA Schedule Contract can be a valuable tool to expand government sales if your company has:
- Customers Requesting You Get on Schedule
- Experience Selling to Government Agencies
- Competitors that Have a GSA Schedule
- Market Research Supporting GSA Schedule Sales
If your company is just getting started in the government market and does not have staff with government sales experience, getting a GSA Schedule may not be the best first step. Learn more about getting started in the government market.