HACS SIN Labor Categories shall be in alignment with the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Careers and Studies (NICCS) Workforce Framework for Cybersecurity (NICE Framework). The NICE Framework is a nationally focused resource to help employers develop their cybersecurity workforce. It establishes a common lexicon that describes cybersecurity work and workers regardless of where or for whom the work is performed. The NICE Framework applies across public, private, and academic sectors and includes:
i. 7 work role categories: A high-level grouping of common cybersecurity functions.
ii. 52 work roles: A grouping of work for which someone is responsible or accountable. Note: work roles are not synonymous to job titles or occupations.
iii. 2,200+ task, knowledge and skill (TKS) statements: A set of discrete building blocks that describe the work to be done (in the form of tasks) and what is required to perform that work (through knowledge and skills).
iv. 11 competency areas: Clusters of related knowledge and skill statements that correlate with one’s capability to perform tasks in a particular domain.
When submitting a new offer or modification to add SIN 54151HACS, an offeror or contractor shall include in the “keywords” column of the Price Proposal Template (PPT) the NICE Framework work role IDs that align with the labor categories proposed. Work role categories and roles (along with associated work role IDs) can be found on the NICE Framework website. The website also provides a spreadsheet with updated NICE work roles and categories, competency areas and task, knowledge and skill (TKS) statements to help identify the appropriate roles.